部分学术论文: sG.X. Lu, Q. Wang, B. Attard, H.H. Su, S.J. Zheng, Evidence of microstructural evolution linked to non-monotonic distribution of micromechanical properties induced by shot peening, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 207, 2025, 238-245. sG.X. Lu, Q. Wang, H.H. Su, B. Attard, S.J. Zheng, Nanoscale microstructural factors contributing to the improvement of the micromechanical wear properties of mechanical shot-peened nickel-based superalloys, Tribology International, 193, 2024, 109358. sG.X. Lu, X.K. Luo, Q. Wang, J.D. Liu, Z. Ji, F. Lu, X.F. Sun, Indirect confirmation and theoretical application of the “plasma shock-cavitation” principle of pulsed laser shock, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 34(2), 2024, 576-581. sG.X. Lu, D.G. Wang, S. Gao, H. Li, Z. Ji, C.F. Yao, Will the laser shock-induced residual stress hole inevitably occur?, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 18, 2022, 3626-3630. sG.X. Lu, J. Li, Z. Ji, H. Li, C.F. Yao, J.S. Li, K. Sugioka, G.Q. Zhao, How does the pulsed laser turn into ‘force’?, Measurement, 185, 2021, 110016. sG.X. Lu, U. Trdan, Y.K. Zhang, J.L. Dulaney, The distribution regularity of residual stress on a metal surface after laser shock marking, Mechanics of Materials, 143, 2020, 103310. sG.X. Lu, R.Z. Wang, J.D. Liu, Y.Z. Zhou, Formation mechanism of residual stress field induced by surface strengthening process, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 48(4), 2020, 2936-2945. sG.X. Lu, D.W. Sokol, Y.K. Zhang, J.L. Dulaney, Nanosecond pulsed laser-generated stress effect inducing macro-micro-nano structures and surface topography evolution, Applied Materials Today, 15, 2019, 171-184. sG.X. Lu, J.D. Liu, H.C. Qiao, Y.Z. Zhou, T. Jin, J.B. Zhao, X.F. Sun, Z.Q. Hu, Effect of laser shock on tensile deformation behavior of a single crystal nickel-base superalloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 686, 2017, 46-53. sG.X. Lu, J.D. Liu, H.C. Qiao, Y.Z. Zhou, T. Jin, X.F. Sun, Z.Q. Hu, Nonuniformity of morphology and mechanical properties on the surface of single crystal superalloy subjected to laser shock peening, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 658, 2016, 721-725. s卢国鑫, 金涛, 周亦胄, 赵吉宾, 刘纪德, 乔红超, 孙晓峰, 激光冲击强化在高温合金材料应用上的研究进展, 中国有色金属学报, 28(9), 2018, 1755-1764. s卢国鑫, 宋颖刚, 王仁智, 王强, 王欣, 300M钢喷丸强化残余应力场的数值模拟, 中国表面工程, 26(4), 2013, 72-76. 部分发明专利: •卢国鑫, 李恒, 季忠, 杉冈幸次, 姚倡锋, 李金山, 赵国群. SINGLE-BEAM DOUBLE-PHYSICAL-EFFECT COORDINATING AND DISTRIBUTING METHOD APPLICABLE TO UNIFORM LASER SHOCK AND APPLICATION THEREOF, US17675088, 2022 •卢国鑫, 田野, 鲁艳红. 一种焊缝界面结构的激光超声确定方法及其应用, ZL202111039451.2, 2021 •卢国鑫, 王强, 罗学昆, 季忠, 王佃刚, 王欣, 赵国群. 一种用于构件连接的高强度小孔的制备方法孔的制备方法, ZL202110873094.3, 2021 •卢国鑫, 张永康. 一种变入射角度的激光冲击强化方法, ZL201810325591.8, 2018 部分荣誉奖励: ‣第十三届发明创业奖, 人物奖, 1/1, 中国发明协会, 2023.8; ‣2022年中国表面工程协会科学技术贡献奖, 人物奖, 1/1, 中国表面工程协会, 2022.12; ‣2022年中国材料研究学会科学技术奖(技术发明奖), 二等奖, 1/7, 中国材料研究学会, 2022.11; ‣2021年度山东省光学工程学会优秀青年科技奖, 人物奖, 1/1, 山东省光学工程学会, 2022.5 |