代表性论文: 1.Wu WeiKang, Zhou XuYan, Li Hui, Liquid-Liquid Phase Transition in Nanoconfined Silicon Carbide,J. Am. Chem. Soc. 138:2815-2822(2016)(通讯作者) 2.Jiang Yan-Yan, Li Hui, Li Yunfang, Helical encapsulation of graphene nanoribbon into carbon nanotube, ACSnano 5(3),2126 (2011). (通讯作者) 3.X.Y.Zhang, Li Hui, Feng Ding Self-Assembly of Carbon Atoms on Transition Metal Surface—the Mechanism of Graphene Chemical Vapor Deposition Growth, Advanced Materials, 26, 5488–5495(2014) (通讯作者) 4.Jichen Dong, Hui Li , Multi-functional nano-electronics constructed using boron phosphide and silicon carbide nanoribbons, NPG Asia Materials 5, e56 (2013)(通讯作者) 5.Chengrui Fu,Jian Huang,Yanyan Jiang,Hui Li, Invar Effect of the Fe13 Cluster, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters,13(29) 6644-6650(2022)(通讯作者) 6.Zhang Xingfan, Fu Chengrui, Yanyan Jiang,Hui Li,Atomistic origin of the complex morphological evolution of aluminum nanoparticles during oxidation: a chain-like oxide nucleation and growth mechanism ACSnano,13(3),3005-3014(2019)(通讯作者) 7.Zheng Peiru, Yanyan Jiang, Hui Li,Parallel-Self-Assembling Stack, Center-Capture Effect, and Reactivity-Enhancing Effect of N-Layer (N = 1, 2, 3) Cyclo[18]carbon ACSnano,16(2),21345-21355(2022)(通讯作者) 8.Zhang Lishu, Zou Jun, Li Hui, Recent progress and challenges in magnetic tunnel junctions with 2D materials for spintronic applications Applied Physics Reviews,8(2),021308(2021)(通讯作者) 9.Gao Fuchen, HuangJian,Yanyan Jiang, Hui Li, Unraveling the Structure Transition and Peroxidase Mimic Activity of Copper Sites over Atomically Dispersed Copper-Doped Carbonized Polymer Dots,Angewandte Chemie-International Edition62(7),e202214042 (2022)(通讯作者) 10.Yezeng He, Hui Li,Bian Xiufang, Layering transition in confined silicon, Nanoscale 6,4217(2014) (通讯作者) 11.Y.Z.He, H.Li, Wavelike deformation traveling on a carbon nanotube, Nanoscale 4, 269(2012)(通讯作者) 12.Y.Y. Jiang, K. Zhang, H. Li, Y.Z. He, X.G. Song Spontaneous encapsulation behavior of ionic liquid into carbon nanotube Nanoscale 4, 7063-7069(2012).(通讯作者) 13.Yanni Dong, Yezeng He, Yong Wang, Hui Li A theoretical study of ripple propagation in defective graphene Carbon 68,742-747(2014) (通讯作者) 14.C. G. An, H. Li, H. M. Ding, Y. F. Li, Growth of graphite spheres in liquid nickel, Carbon 49,3953-3957(2011) (通讯作者) 15.Yu Hai-Qing, Li Hui, Possibility of driving water molecules along a single-walled carbon nanotube using methane molecules, Carbon 48, 417 (2010). (通讯作者) 16.Sun Feng-Wei, Li Hui, Torsional strain energy evolution of carbon nanotubes and their stability with encapsulated helical copper nanowires, Carbon 49, 1408(2011). (通讯作者) 17.Sun Feng-Wei, Li Hui, Compressive mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes encapsulating helical copper nanowires Carbon 48, 1586(2010). (通讯作者) 18.Yunfang Li, Hui Li, Kun Zhang, Kim M. Liew, The theoretical possibility of a graphene sheet spontaneously scrolling round an iron nanowire, Carbon 50, 566-576(2012). (通讯作者) 19.Li Hui, Li YunFang, Spiral nucleation of silicon solidified on heterogeneous surface of carbon nanocones, Appl.Phys.Lett. 95, 183101 (2009) (通讯作者) 20.Li Hui, Li YunFang, Theoretical study of hierarchical structures and heredity effect of silicon solidifying on carbon nanotube, Appl.Phys.Lett. 95, 063106 (2009). (通讯作者) 21.Li YunFang,Yu Hai-Qing, Li Hui, Lamellar nanostructures of silicon heterogeneously solidified on graphite sheets Appl.Phys.Lett. 96,163113 (2010). (通讯作者) 22.K. Zhang, L.Li, H. Li, X.F.Bian, Why does the second peak of pair correlation functions split in quasi-two-dimensional disordered films? Appl.Phys.Lett. 102,071907 (2013). (通讯作者) 23.He Ye-Zeng, Li Hui, Li Yun-Fang, Zhang Xueqing, Dynamic ripples in single layer graphene, Appl.Phys.Lett. 98,063101 (2011). (通讯作者) 24.Li Hui, F. Pederiva, Wang GuangHou, How does the Nickel Nanowire Melt? Appl.Phys.Letts. 86(1), 011913 (2005). 25.Li Hui, Anomalies in liquid structure of Ni3Al alloys during a rapid cooling process, Phys. Rev.B 68, 054210 (2003). 26.Li Hui, Shoulder Peak Formation in the Process of Quenching, Phys.Rev.B 68, 024210 (2003). 27.Li Hui, Local Cluster Formation in Cobalt Melt in the Cooling Process, Phys.Rev.B 65, 035411 (2002). 28.Li Hui, F.Pederiva, Variational Monte Carlo Study of Local Order in Liquid and Solid 4He with Shadow Wave Functions, Phys.Rev.B 71, 054513 (2005). 29.Xuehe Zhang,Jichen Dong,Yong Wang, Li Li,and Hui Li, Electron Transport Properties of Si-Based Nanowires with Substitutional Impurities, J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 12958−12965(2013) (通讯作者) 30.Y. F. Li, H. Q. Yu, H. Li, How Do Metal/Graphene Self-Assemble into Core-Shelled Composite Nanostructures? J. Phys. Chem. C 115, 6229-6234 (2011). (通讯作者) 31.J. C. Dong, H. Li, Monoatomic Layer Electronics Constructed by Graphene and Boron Nitride Nanoribbons J.Phys.Chem C116, 17259-17267 (2012)(通讯作者)
获奖情况: 2010年获中国高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(自然科学)二等奖(第一完成人) 2013年获山东省自然科学二等奖(第一完成人) 2002年获中国高校科学技术进步一等奖 (第三完成人) 2004年获山东省自然科学二等奖 (第二完成人) 2013年获评山东大学第七届我心目中的好导师 |