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发布时间:2017年04月07日 09:29    作者:    点击:[]















2002年09月-2006年07月  bwin必赢,本科,工学学士;

2006年09月-2012年07月  bwin必赢,硕博连读,工学博士;

2012年11月-2016年11月  台湾中央大学,博士后;

2017年01月-至今          山东大学材料科学与工程学院,副教授。







主要从事铝合金挤压成形机理和组织性能、金属锻造成形工艺与模具、金属塑性成形数值模拟、二维和三维有限元网格生成等方面的研究工作,近年在Journal of Materials Science & TechnologyJournal of Materials Research and Technology, Physics of Fluids, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Journal of Hydrology, Computational Geosciences等国际期刊发表第一作者和通讯作者论文多篇。代表性论文如下:

1.Haixiao Zhao, Lu Sun*, Guoqun Zhao, Junquan Yu, Fei Liu, Ximan Sun, Zhengfeng Lv, Shanpeng Cao. Abnormal grain growth behavior and mechanism of 6005A aluminum alloy extrusion profile. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 2023, 157: 42-59. (SCI, IF=10.9)

2.Xiaowei Wang, Guoqun Zhao*, Lu Sun*, Yuelin Wang, Shaoqiang Xu, Zhengfeng Lv. Investigation on hot deformation behavior and quenching precipitation mechanism of 2195 Al-Li alloy. Materials & Design. 2023, 234: 112366. (SCI, IF=8.4)

3.Xiaowei Wang, Guoqun Zhao*, Lu Sun*, Yuelin Wang, Huiping Li. A strategy to promote formability, production efficiency and mechanical properties of Al-Mg-Si alloy. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2023, 24: 3853-3869. (SCI, IF=6.4)

4.Yuelin Wang, Guoqun Zhao*, Lu Sun*, Xiaowei Wang, Zhengfeng Lv, Youzheng Sun. Effects of billet heating temperature and extrusion speed on the microstructures and mechanical properties of the longitudinal welds in aluminum alloy profiles with complex cross-section. Vacuum. 2023, 207: 111578. (SCI, IF=4)

5.Yuelin Wang, Guoqun Zhao*, Wendong Zhang, Lu Sun*, Xiaowei Wang, Zhengfeng Lv. Interfacial bonding mechanism and length evaluation method of the longitudinal welds in the unsteady deformation process of porthole die extrusion of aluminum alloy profiles. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2022, 20: 1624-1644. (SCI, IF=6.4)

6.Yuelin Wang, Guoqun Zhao*, Lu Sun*, Xiaowei Wang, Dejin Wei, Linlin Liu. Effects of welding angle on microstructure and mechanical properties of longitudinal weld in 6063 aluminum alloy extrusion profiles. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2022, 17: 756-773. (SCI, IF=6.4)

7.Xiaowei Wang, Guoqun Zhao*, Lu Sun*, Yuelin Wang, Huiping Li. Precipitation behavior and quenching sensitivity of 2196 Al-Li alloy extrusion profile. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2022, 19: 431-448. (SCI, IF=6.4)

8.Lu Sun, Liang Chen, Yunyue Guo, Guoqun Zhao. Experimental Study and Optimization on Solution and Artificial Aging of Cold-Rolled 2024 Al Alloy Sheet. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 2022, 31:5419-5431. (SCI, IF=2.3)

9.Lu Sun, Yunyue Guo, Liang Chen, Guoqun Zhao. Effects of solution and aging treatments on the microstructure and mechanical properties of cold rolled 2024 Al alloy sheet. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2021, 12: 1126-1142. (SCI, IF=6.4)

10.Lu Sun, Guoqun Zhao, Gour-Tsyh Yeh. 3D hybrid mesh generation with an improved vertical stretch algorithm for geometric models with pinch-out features. Computational Geosciences. 2021, 25: 575-599. (SCI, IF=2.5)

11.Lu Sun, Guoqun Zhao, Gour-Tsyh Yeh. Automatic triangular and triangular-prism mesh generation for overland and subsurface water flow simulations. Physics of Fluids. 2020, 32: 056602. (SCI, IF=4.6)

12.Lu Sun, Guoqun Zhao, Gour-Tsyh Yeh. An automatic quadrilateral mesh generation algorithm applied to 2-D overland flow simulations. Computational Geosciences. 2018, 22: 1283-1303. (SCI, IF=2.5)

13.Lu Sun, Gour-Tsyh Yeh, Guoqun Zhao. Applications of quadrilateral and quadrilateral-prism mesh generation in overland and subsurface simulations. Journal of Hydrology. 2017, 548: 716-740. (SCI, IF=6.4)

14.Lu Sun, Gour-Tsyh Yeh, Xinwu. Ma, Fang-Pang Lin, Guoqun Zhao. Engineering applications of 2D and 3D finite element mesh generation in hydrogeology and water resources. Computational Geosciences. 2017, 21:733-758. (SCI, IF=2.5)

15.Lu Sun, Guoqun Zhao. Adaptive hexahedral mesh generation and quality optimization for solid models with thin features using a grid-based method. Engineering with Computers. 2016, 32(1): 61-84. (SCI, IF=8.7)

16.Lu Sun, Gour-Tsyh. Yeh, Fang-Pang Lin, Guoqun Zhao. An automatic method for complete triangular mesh conversion into quadrilateral mesh for multiple domain geometry. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. 2016, 27(1): 139-152. (SCI, IF=0.8)

17.Lu Sun, Gour-Tsyh. Yeh, Fang-Pang Lin, Guoqun Zhao. Automatic quadrilateral mesh generation and quality improvement techniques for an improved combination method. Computational Geosciences. 2015, 19: 371–388. (SCI, IF=2.5)

18.Lu Sun, Guoqun Zhao, Xinwu Ma. Grid-based Hexahedral Element Meshing Algorithms For Solid Models with Concave Curved Boundary Lines. Engineering with Computers. 2014, 30(1): 57-78. (SCI, IF=8.7)

19.Lu Sun, Guoqun Zhao, Xinwu Ma. Adaptive Generation and Local Refinement Methods of Three-dimensional Hexahedral Element Mesh. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 2012, 50: 184-200. (SCI, IF=3.1)

20.Lu Sun, Guoqun Zhao, Xinwu Ma. Quality Improvement Methods For Hexahedral Element Meshes Adaptively Generated Using Grid-Based Algorithm. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 2012, 89(6): 726-761. (SCI, IF=2.9)



1. 山东大学青年学者未来计划:50万元,负责人;

2. 国家自然科学基金(青年基金):20万元,负责人;

3. 台湾业兴环境科技股份有限公司(横向):17.5万元,负责人;

4. 山东大学基本科研业务费:15万元,负责人;

5. 中国博士后基金面上项目(一等资助):8万元,负责人。

6. 上海市复杂薄板结构数字化制造重点实验室开放课题: 4万元,负责人。

7. 山东南山铝业股份有限公司(横向):18万元,负责人。

5. 学生培养






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