10篇代表性学术论文 1. L.W. Yin*, et al. Semiconductor Morphology: Optimizing Properties by Tuning Morphology, Nature Materials, 2005, 4, 883-884. 2. L.W. Yin*, et al. Porous BCN Nanotubular Fibers: Growth and Spatially-Resolved Cathodoluminescence, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2005, 127, 16354-16355. 3.L.W. Yin*, et al. Self-Assembled Highly Faceted Wurtzite-Type ZnS Single-Crystalline Nanotubes with Hexagonal Cross-Sections, Advanced Materials, 2005, 17, 1972-1977. 4.L.W. Yin*, et al. Growth and Field Emission of Hierarchical Single-Crystalline AlN Nanoarchitectures, Advanced Materials, 2005, 17, 110-114. 5.L.W. Yin*, et al. Wurtzite-twinning-induced growth of three-dimensional architectures II-VI ternary alloyed semiconductors and tunable bandgap energy properties, Nano Letters, 2009, 9, 957-963. 6.L W Yin*, et al. Growth of semiconducting GaN hollow spheres and nanotubes with very thin shells via controllable liquid gallium-gas interface chemical reaction, Small 1 (11): 1094-1099 NOV 2005. 7.L W Yin*, et al. Single-crystalline AIN nanotube with carbon-layer coatings on the outer and inner surface via a multiwalled-carbon-nanotube-template-induced route, Advanced Materials 17 (2): 213+ JAN 31 2005. 8.L W Yin*, et al. Growth of single-crystal indium nitride nanotubes and nanowires by a controlled-carbonitridation reaction route, Advanced Materials 16 (20): 1833+ OCT 18 2004 9.L W Yin*, et al. A two stage route to coaxial cubic aluminum nitride-boron nitride composite nanotubes, Advanced Materials 16 (11): 929-933 JUN 4 2004. 10.L W Yin*, et al. Unique single-crystalline beta carbon nitride nanorods, Advanced Materials 15 (21): 1840-1844 NOV 4 2003.
近5年申请发明专利 1) Synthesis of InN/InP core/shell nanowire, 特开2005-139045 (日本),排名:2. 2) Synthesis, structure and photolumines- cence of very thin and wide alpha silicon nitride single crystalline nanbelts, 特开2005-272208 (日本),排名:1. 3) Synthesis of Tubular Single Crystalline InN, 特开2004-183175 (日本),2. 4) A two-Stage Route to Coaxial Cubic Aluminum Nitride-Boron Nitride Composite Nanotube 特开 2004-231848 (日本),排名:1. 5) Sythesis on Single-Crystal Indium Phosphide Nanotubes, 特开2006-8417 (日本),排名:1. 6) Ultra wide and thin single-crystal aluminum nitride nanoribbons and photol- uminecence characterization, 特开2005-350298 (日本),排名:2. 7) Novel Coaxial Hexagonal Aluminum nitride-Carbon (h-AIN-C) Composite Nanotubes, 特开2005-349515 (日本),排名:1. 8) Carbon Nanotube Sheathing on Ultra-Fine InP nanowires, 特开2006-45001 (日本),排名:2. 9) Self-Assembled highly Faceted Wurtzite -Type ZnS Single-Crystalline nanotubes with hexagonal Cross-Sections, 特开2005-240912 (日本),排名:1. 10) Highly Luminescent Semiconductor GaN Hollow Sphere with Small Size, 2005-225075 (日本) (申请号),排名:2. 11) Fabrication of Crystalline Biaxial ZnO-Ge,ZnO/Ge/ZnO Heterostructures, 2005-321087 (日本)(申请号),排名:2. 12) 铁基合金金刚石催化剂及其制备方法, ZL 00110864.6, 排名:4. 13) 用于合成含硼金刚石单晶的铁-镍-硼-碳系催化剂及其制备方法, ZL200510042572.7, 排名:4. 获得奖项 1) 2007年度入选国家七部委“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选。 2) 2007年入选山东省“泰山学者”特聘教授。 3) 2006年度山东省自然科学三等奖:人造金刚石包覆膜微结构及其催化机理研究,受奖人员:许斌、尹龙卫、李木森、崔建军、公志光。 4) 2005年度山东省高校自然科学二等奖:金属包膜与金刚石单晶合成机理的相关性研究,受奖人员:许斌、崔建军、李木森、尹龙卫、公志光、。 5) 2004年入选首批教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划。 6)2002年度山东省自然科学二等奖:金刚石的形核长大机制及晶体缺陷分析,受奖人员:尹龙卫、李木森、公志光、崔建军、许斌。 7) 2001年度山东省高校自然科学理论成果一等奖:高温高压下金刚石单晶中微观杂质和晶体缺陷结构及形成机制,受奖人员:尹龙卫、李木森、公志光、崔建军、许斌。 |