目前主要从事铝/镁轻质合金塑性成形机理和工艺设计研究、聚变或裂变核反应堆用钨基/铁基/锆基合金辐照损伤与氢氦效应模拟研究,钨基/铁基/碳基材料表面陶瓷薄膜生长机理和工艺设计。先后主持科技部重点研发课题/子课题、国家自然科学基金面上/青年项目、安徽省自然科学基金等各类课题近10项,总经费约600万。入选山东大学未来学者计划,在Nature Materials、Acta Materialia、Nuclear Fusion、Journal of Nuclear Materials等SCI期刊发表学术论文40余篇。 代表性一作和通讯论文(7篇):
1. Jie Hou, Xiang-Shan Kong(共同一作), et al., Predictive Model of Hydrogen Trapping and Bubbling in Nanovoids in BCC Metals, Nature Materials 18 (2019) 833-839 (中科院一区;IF=38.7) 2. Jie Hou, Xiang-shan Kong*, et al., Accurate prediction of vacancy cluster structures and energetics in bcc transition metals, Acta Materialia 211 (2021) 116860 (中科院一区;IF=7.7) 3. Xiang-shan Kong, et al., First-principles calculations of hydrogen solution and diffusion in tungsten: Temperature and defect-trapping effects, Acta Materialia 84 (2015) 426-435 (中科院一区;IF=7.7) 4. Xiang-shan Kong, et al., First-principles calculations of transition metal–solute interactions with point defects in tungsten, Acta Materialia 66 (2014) 172-183 (中科院一区;IF=7.7) 5.Jie Hou, Xiang-shan Kong*, et al., Hydrogen bubble nucleation by self-clustering: density functional theory and statistical model studies using tungsten as a model system, Nuclear Fusion 58 (2018) 096021 (中科院一区;IF=3.7) 6. Xiang-shan Kong, et al., Towards understanding the differences in irradiation effects of He, Ne and Ar plasma by investigating the physical origin of their clustering in tungsten, Nuclear Fusion 56 (2016) 106002 (中科院一区;IF=3.7) 7.Xiang-shan Kong, et al., First-principles calculations of transition metal solute interactions with hydrogen in tungsten, Nuclear Fusion 56 (2016) 026004 (中科院一区;IF=3.7)
近五年其它一作和通讯论文 1. Xiang-shan Kong, et al., Trends in transition metal solute diffusion in metals: The case of tungsten, Computational Materials Science, 179 (2020) 109638 (中科院三区;IF=2.9) 2. Kang-ni He, Xiang-shan Kong*, et al., The influence of transition metal solutes on the dissolution and diffusion of oxygen in tungsten, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 537 (2020) 152250 (中科院一区;IF=2.5) 3. Kang-ni, He, Xiang-shan Kong*, et al., Robust activation energy predictions of solute diffusion from machine learning method, Computational Materials Science, 184 (2020) 109948 (中科院三区;IF=2.9) 4. Sha-Sha Zhang, Xiang-shan Kong*, et al., Self-healing of radiation-induced damage in Fe-Au and Fe-Cu alloys: Combining positron annihilation spectroscopy with TEM and ab initio calculations, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 817 (2020) 152765 (中科院一区;IF=4.7) 5. Sha-Sha Zhang, Xiang-shan Kong*, et al., First-principles calculations of solute-vacancy interactions in aluminum, Chinese Physics B, 29 (2020) 066103 (中科院三区;IF=1.2) 6. Song, Chi; Xiang-shan Kong*, et al., First-principles studies on carbon diffusion in tungsten, Chinese Physics B, 28 (2019) 116106 (中科院三区;IF=1.2) 7. Xiang-Shan Kong, et al., First principles study of inert-gas (helium, neon, and argon) interactions with hydrogen in tungsten, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 487 (2017) 128-134 (中科院一区;IF=2.5)